TUM wins A2RL with Mayflower®-B17-LiQuid

Congratulations to the Autonomous Motorsport Team of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) for their impressive victory in the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League!

The key component of their triumph was the autonomous software that led the TUM vehicle to victory. This software has been tested in a HiL simulation using our innovative Mayflower®-B17 LiQuid. With its powerful CPU and GPU performance, this platform enabled continuous and repeated execution of a variety of scenarios, including GPS failures, extreme heat, and other challenges in an environment with variable parameters. In addition, our system accelerated the development of the autonomous software by up to three times, giving the TUM team a decisive competitive advantage.

Through these extensive tests, even minimal delays of just a few milliseconds could be optimized to ensure a faster and more precise vehicle response. In addition, our QuickTray®-v3 with hot-plug capability makes it easy to evaluate simulation results after testing is complete.

We are proud to be a part of this success and congratulate the TUM Autonomous Motorsport Team on their remarkable achievement.


Learn more about the use of our Mayflower-B17-LiQuid as a HiL computer in our new case study: Case Study – HiL application in the ADAS industry

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